Professional experience:
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (2022-present)
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA (2020-2022)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Geography, Durham University, UK (2019-2020)
- Oceanographer, Polish Antarctic Station, King George Island, South Shetlands (2018-2019)
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Durham University, UK (2014-2018)
- Research Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, UK (2014)
- Intern, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, UK (2013-2014)
- PhD, Department of Geography, Durham University, UK, 2018 thesis available here
- MSc, Institute of Geograpy and Regional Development, University of Wroclaw, Poland, 2013
- BSc, Institute of Geograpy and Regional Development, University of Wroclaw, Poland, 2011
- L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Poland (2024)
- Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young scientists (2024)
- SONATA 19 grant, National Science Centre, Poland (2024)
- Short-term mobility grant, Polish Academy of Sciences to visit University of Glasgow (2024)
- International Emerging Actions bilateral grant, Polish Academy of Sciences - French National Centre for Scientific Research (2024)
- Planet imagery access grant, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (2023)
- Kacper Rybicki Scholarship, Institute of Geophysics PAS, Poland (2022)
- SONATINA 5 grant, National Science Centre, Poland (2021)
- Department of Geography Postgraduate Conference Fund, Durham University, UK to visit Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (2017)
- Ustinov College Travel Grant, Durham University, UK to attend IAG International Conference on Geomorphology (2017)
- LLP Erasmus Training grant to spend 3 months at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, UK (2012)
- Head of the Faculty of Earth Sciences Award, University of Wroclaw, Poland (2009, 2010, 2012)
- LLP Erasmus Learning grant to spend 6 months at the University of Seville, Spain (2010-2011)
Research visits:
- Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, France; host: Dr Vincent Regard (2 weeks in 2024)
- School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK; host: Dr Martin Hurst (1 week in 2024)
- Section 4.7 Earth Surface Process Modelling, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; host: Dr Luca Malatesta (1 week in 2023)
- Earth Observation Group, Department of Physics and Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway; host: Prof. Malin Johansson (6 months in 2023; 2 weeks in 2024; 3 weeks in 2025)
- Hydrological Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA; host: Dr Dalia Kirschbaum (3 weeks in 2019)
- Centre for Accelerator Science, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia; host: Dr Klaus Wilcken (1 week in 2018)
- CosmIC Laboratory, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK; host: Dr Dylan Rood (14 weeks in 2016-2018)
- Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, UK; host: Prof. Gareth Rees (3 months in 2012; 1 week in 2022)
Invited talks/seminars:
- Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, 2025
- Lithosphere - Ocean - Atmosphere Coupling Research Team Seminar, Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, France, 2024
- Polar Ecosystems Seminar, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, Poland, Online, 2024
- Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association ‘ECSA Files!’ Webinar, 2023 recording
- Section 4.7 Earth Surface Process Modelling, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, 2023
- Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations (CIRFA), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, 2023
- IGCP725 Forecasting Coastal Change, Geochron January Online Workshop, 2023 recording
- Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2022
- Applied Ocean Science (AOS) Seminar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA, 2022
- Climate, Atmospheric Sciences and Physical Oceanography (CASPO) Seminar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA, 2020
- Hydrological Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA, 2019
- Centre for Accelerator Science, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia, 2018
- Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK, 2016
- Department of Mathematical Science, Durham University, UK, 2016
Conference presentations:
- GEOPLANET – Earth and Planetary Research Centre Conference, 2024: Sopot, Poland. (oral - invited)
- 4th SIOS Marine Infrastructure Workshop, 2024: Online. (oral)
- Arctic Circle Assembly, 2024: Reykjavík, Iceland. (oral - invited)
- 1st Warsaw Geography Conference, 2024: Warsaw, Poland. (poster)
- EGU General Assembly, 2024: Vienna, Austria. (oral) abstract
- AGU Fall Meeting, 2023: San Francisco, CA, USA. (poster)
- 3rd SIOS Marine Infrastructure Workshop, 2023: Online. (oral)
- EGU General Assembly, 2023: Vienna, Austria. (poster) abstract
- 11th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Assimilation, Observations, Predictions and Verification, 2023: Oslo, Norway. (poster)
- Polar Night Week, 2023: Longyearbyen, Norway. (oral + poster)
- AGU Fall Meeting, 2022: Online. (iPoster)
- AGU Fall Meeting, 2021: New Orleans, LA, USA. (oral)
- MPOWIR Pattullo Conference, 2021: Warrenton, VA, USA. (poster)
- QRA Annual Discussion Meeting, 2021: Online. (poster)
- AGU Fall Meeting, 2020: Online. (eLightning)
- AGU Fall Meeting, 2019: San Francisco, CA, USA. (oral + poster)
- 9th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 2017: Delhi, India. (oral)
- QRA Sea Level and Coastal Change Conference, 2016: Whitby, UK. (oral + poster)
- 14th International Coastal Symposium, 2016: Sydney, Australia. (oral)
- British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting, 2015: Southampton, UK. (poster)
- 35th Polar Symposium, 2014: Wroclaw, Poland. (oral + poster)
- 2nd Martian Cryosphere Workshop, 2014: Wroclaw, Poland. (oral)
- 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 2013: Paris, France. (oral)
- PhD seminars: "Wind wave – sea ice interactions & coastal processes" for the "Geophysical research of fjords and lakes in polar regions" course, Institute of Geophysics PAS (2024)
- Post-graduate demonstrator: Level 1 Physical Geography, Level 1 Introduction to Geographical Research, Level 1 Understanding Earth’s Challenges, Level 2 Handling Spatial Data, Level 3 Sea Level Change and Coastal Evolution, Level 3 Environmental Remote Sensing, Level 3 Martian Landscapes, Level 4 Advanced Methods in Physical Geography, Durham University (2014-2018)
Fieldwork experience:
- Svalbard (2009, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2022, 2023 x2, 2024 x2): underwater instrument deployment and recovery (wave pressure sensors, CTD, RBR Solo, ADCP, multi-sediment trap), scientific scuba diving, CTD, Niskin Water Sampler, wave runup recording,
beach mapping, sediment sample collection for grain size analysis, TLS, UAV-SfM, RTK GPS, TMEM, SHRT/Equotip, rock sample collection for laboratory strength tests, permafrost coring
- Stołowe Mts, Poland (2022): rock sample collection for cosmogenic dating
- California (2020-2021): TLS, dolly topo surveying, RFID cobble tracking, SHRT, scientific scuba diving
- Northern Pacific (2020): underway CTD (research cruise)
- South Shetlands (2018-2019): CTD, ADCP, ecological surveying
- Nepal (2019): geomorphological mapping
- Yorkshire, UK (2014-2018): TLS, UAV-SfM, RTK GPS, SHRT/Equotip, rock sample collection for cosmogenic dating
- Khibiny Mts, Russia (2014): spectrometry of the Arctic plants
Professional service and involvement:
- Scientific paper reviewer: Applied Geography, Continental Shelf Research, Earth Surface Dynamics, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Engineering Geology, Environmental Modelling & Software, Geomorphology, Geosciences, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Marine Geology, Quaternary Research, Regional Studies in Marine Science, SoftwareX
- Research proposal reviewer: NSF Division of Earth Sciences – Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics
- Conference session co-convener:
International Rock Coast 2025: Session 3 Monitoring rock coasts: drivers and responses;
AGU Fall Meeting 2023: EP010 Coastal Geomorphology and Morphodynamics;
EGU General Assembly 2023: ITS1.7/GM2/BG4.13 Sandy solutions for coasts/Arctic coastal processes
- Current member of European Geophysical Union, American Geophysical Union, International Association of Geomorphologists – Rocky Coasts Working Group, Women in Coastal Geosciences and Engineering Network
- SIOS Remote Sensing Working Group ECR Observer 2022-2023
- Association of Polar Early Career Scientists Council Member 2013-2016
- Student volunteer for the 3rd Sandstone Landscape conference, Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland (2012)
Outreach/service/public engagement:
- Interview for 'EUREKA' broadcast, Jedynka Polskie Radio [in Polish] broadcast (2025)
- Outreach talk for high school students at the 42nd Poland International Education Fair Perspektywy, Warsaw, Poland (2025)
- Interview for 'CZŁOWIEK 2.0' podcast, Radio TOK FM [in Polish] podcast (2025)
- Interview for 'FEM w STEM' podcast for the International Day of Women & Girls in Science, Perspektywy Women in Tech [in Polish] podcast (2025)
- Ambassador in 'Dziewczyny do Nauki' programme of Perspektywy Women in Tech (2025)
- Interview for the National Science Centre of Poland: 'I appreciate the freedom that comes with my line of work'; for Polish version click here (2025)
- Interview for the Nauka o Klimacie portal [in Polish]: Zmiana klimatu a klify. Polka badała wybrzeże Kalifornii, teraz zbada wybrzeże Bałtyku (2024)
- Participation in 'Once the ice is gone' documentary by Kuba Witek (2024)
- Outreach talk for high school students at the Museum of Polar Research, Puławy, Poland (2024)
- Interview for 'GEOGADKA - Podcasts' IG PAS outreach project [in Polish] podcast (2024)
- Talk for 'GEOGADKA - Geophysics for everyone' IG PAS outreach project [in Polish] recording (2023)
- Talk for 'Fascinating Earth' IG PAS outreach project - 'Inspiring stories by female geophysicists' [in Polish] recording (2023)
- Guest talk for educational YouTube channel Sprawy Przyziemne [in Polish] video link (2022)
- Fish surveying for REEF Environmental Education Foundation (2020-2021)
- Outreach talk for Rotunda Geology Group, Scarborough, UK (2019)
- Interview for the portal: '“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away' (2019)
- Education and outreach at the Polish Antarctic Station (2018-2019)
- Preparation of outreach materials and assistance in educational events at the Polar Museum in Cambridge, UK (2012-2014)
- Leading sets of physical geography lessons in secondary schools, PROJEKTOR, Poland (2013)
In the news: